September 04, 2017

English Every Day: The Birth of Google Inc.

Your Daily English Programme #40: The Birth of Google Inc. (Listening B1-C1)

Welcome to Week 11 on Engramme: Your Free Daily English Programme. Today, we will be looking at a technological breakthrough that changed the way we understand the Internet.

Think Before You Listen

Look at the Photo Below: Do you know where this is? Do you know how and where this company started?

aerial photo of google headquarters

Like many Silicon Valley start-ups, Google first began in a garage on Santa Margarita Ave. rented by two Stanford University students, Larry Page & Sergey Brin. Google's co-founders wanted to create a website that would organize and make accessible all kinds of information to all people around the world.

On September 4, 1998, the company Google was officially incorporated. Today, its corporate headquarters in Mountain View, California, known as the Googleplex (photo above), host over 12,000 employees working in casual office spaces to keep Google going.

google sign

Watch and Listen

Watch the Video: Listen and find a number or a date for the items below (write your answers in the comments below):

(a) Number of Google users per month:
(b) Net worth of each of Google’s founders:
(c) The year Google turned from a search engine to a successful business:

Let's Practice

Watch the Video Again: Can you find the answers to the following questions? (type your answers in the comments below)
picture: questions about google
(click here to see answers to all the lesson's questions)

Over to You

In your opinion, what is the secret to the immense success of internet giants such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other dotcom companies including Amazon, eBay, and Bitcoin? (you can write your answers in the comments' section)

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